GRI Debate: What will Syria look like after the war?
US Secretary of State John Kerry recently said that partitioning Syria may be a possibility. In this debate, GRI asked two of its top analysts if Syria will remain united or end up as multiple separate states.
The case for partition
Jacob Purcell presents why there is every reason to think that a partition of the Syrian state along ethno-religious lines would improve the chances of long-term peace.
“Perhaps the most promising hope of creating long-term stability in Syria is to partition the country along sectarian and ethnic lines. This would address the fears of group reprisal which minority groups within Syria currently feel, and would prevent domestic political infighting for control of the state.”
Read the full article here.
The case for unity
Chris Solomon presents why despite long term political instability and terrorism, the borders of Syria will and should remain intact.
“Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and the world would all benefit from seeing a united Syria. Breakaway regions will be weak and state building efforts are questionable and would take time. Russia and the United States still agree on maintaining the Sykes-Picot borders. Just as foreign powers created Syria in 1916, they will preserve Syria in 2016.”
Read the full article here.
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